What time do you meet?

11am in person (Following CDC Guidelines)

11am on Facebook

Where do you meet?

We meet in the beautiful town of Mogadore, OH.

3828 Mogadore Road.


If you’re exploring our website looking for a place to worship the Lord, welcome. We would love to honor and worship the Lord together with you.
Newcomers are welcomed with joy, whether for a single Sunday or for a longer relationship – each person offers something needed by the whole. We continue to learn together what it means to be a disciple of Jesus; what it means to follow Him; what it means to be a “new creation” in Christ. We don’t have it all figured out yet, but we keep learning and growing-after all, that’s what disciples do. And we’re glad for new followers along the way.
Consider dropping by some Sunday morning at 11am.

Pastor Dave Haydu