About Thrive
To encourage, motivate, and equip Christians to thrive in lay ministry.
Leading a Multigenerational Church : Pastor Jackson Garrell (First Baptist Church)
Thriving as a multigenerational church is challenging. Jackson worked on the pastoral staff in a church spanning over five different generations, working on practical plans to help bring unity to these groups. In this workshop, Jackson uses biblical truths to suggest a practical approach to bridging the generation gap in your church.
Discipleship : Pastor Justin Bleuer (Berean Bible Church)
What does Pepsi make? What does Ford make? All of us can answer those questions quickly. But what does the church make? Everyone in our church should be able to answer this question quickly and accurately. Why? Because the church has one simple mission – make disciples. Come learn how to make this mission your mission. We will investigate a simple yet effective disciple-making process that’s rooted in one on one mentoring and used by growing churches across our region.
Women’s Workshop : Amy Rathmell (Faith Bible Church)
Life is messy. Things happen that we do not expect. We have been called to manage the house, raise children, plus have a thriving ministry in our churches, but what do we do when something goes horribly wrong? This workshop will focus on how to handle your ministry & life when it seems that everything else is crumbling, and how God can use you in your uncomfortableness to become a thriving women.
Children’s Workshop: Dave Coy (Camp BaYouCa)
Children’s ministry can be the toughest, hardest, and one of the most important and rewarding ministries in your church. How though can we do children’s ministry effectively? This workshop will focus on why kids are so crucial, and what are some attributes of a thriving children’s ministry.
Teaching: Ins and Outs : Dr. Gilbert Parker (Davis College)
This workshop will help you to improve your teaching skills. What works and what doesn’t work will be part of the discussion. What are some key considerations the teacher needs to consider!
Leadership : Kevin Cooper (Berean Bible Church)
What does it mean to be a “leader” in your home? – your church? – your community? This workshop will help equip and encourage you to be a leader in all three areas of life.
Hermeneutics : Pastor Josh Rathmell (Faith Bible Church)
Ever come across a passage of the Bible that you did not quite understand? In Getting into the Word, we will discuss some key concepts into getting the most out the Bible so that we can apply it better to our lives.
8:15: Registration/ Check In
9:00 General Session #1 with Dr. Gilbert Parker 10:15: Workshop #1
11:00: Break
11:15: Workshop #2
12:00: Lunch
1:00: Workshop #3
1:45: Break
2:00: Workshop #4
2:50: General Session #2 with Dr. Parker
4:00: Dismissal
Cost: $15.00 per person
Group Rate of $12.00 for a group of 8
Day Of Event: $18.oo per person